

You may not believe it, but Walkmen, the first Dutch HipHop documentary of its kind just turned 10! Time flies when your having fun right? We can still remember the incredible premiere screening at a totally packed Off_Corso theatre where all Rotterdam Rap icons screamed at the silver screen while seeing their own history and dedication finally being honored. After 10 years we can officially call it a classic. 
If you managed to miss out on seeing Walkmen during the last ten years (!) than this is your chance to finally catch up... We are giving away 10 dvd's to anyone that drops us a line at: info[at]redrumrecordz.com. Make sure to put 'Walkmen 10' as the subject and don't forget to mention your postal address. Be quick because these dvd's are pretty hard to find these days. Know your history...  

Refresh your memory HERE!